Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hello Everyone,
OMG it's been such a long time since I posted a new blog entry but seeing my friend Dianne's blog post today from the UK made me think about doing this. My Rocky boy says hi as he is around 7 now and doing just fine as long as I am close enough for him to touch me.  He is very spoiled and I keep him that way.
My daughter Rachel who has my 2 grandsons Kaden and Matthew is expecting a girl, Allison, in December. Things will be so different around her house with all the girly things that have never been here. 
I am still semi-retired but still doing my part time job doing assignments in Walgreens, Walmarts, Food Lions, etc. I enjoy the work and it helps being able to get out and see people and staying active. October will be a busy month for me with Halloween coming up and all these candy companies wanting their candy to be packed out in the big stores and I am sure I will be not liking candy so much by the end of the month.
Speaking of Halloween here at Rachel's house in Momeyer, NC her spiders have  been decorating her bushes a little early for the season.
Well it's getting late on this Sunday evening so I will close this one out and promise to be back with more very soon.