Thursday, June 7, 2012

People of Wal-Mart (if you can stand it)

The following video is a series of pictures taken at Wal-Mart and as some of them are funny, some are quite graphic so a word of caution before you click play.  By the way, if you are feeling down and having trouble with self-esteem just spend a little time at Wal-Mart and I am sure you will feel much better about yourself.  Enjoy or whatever.


  1. Those pics were all taken at the same store, same day! (LOL) Maybe I'm lucky down here. I never see that kind of freak show at the Wal-Mart near me. Thanks, Odie!

  2. I am almost embarrassed to say I check the People of Walmart site almost every day...

  3. OH, my gosh!!! I shop there and I promise I don't look like any of those people!!! I was actually in Target last week looking for fish cups for our fish themed b-day party for my now 6 year old and noticed that everyone that shopped Target was, well, a mucher higher class than the normal Wal=mart customer!!! I felt like I was in a expensive store.

  4. Oh my! Gross and hilarious! What is WRONG with these people?!

  5. You are right! My self esteem just hit the roof!

  6. oh my stars!!!!!! what on earth? I am embarrassed I watched the whole video. xo
