Saturday, July 23, 2011

A post you will be glad you read

In our blog family is a new blogger named Shelly who is a teacher in the state of Texas and she is also a writer with a gift for making you enjoy reading. In the short time I have been following Shelly she has entertained and inspired me and for that I am grateful.

Today she has a very unique post about what goes on at her school that I am sure you will be so glad you took the time to read. It also has the kind of details that you always wanted to know but never did so jump on over here and have a good time in Shelly's corner of the world. I bet she gets some new followers.


  1. Awww, thank you, Odie! I've learned so much about good blogging from reading your posts. It is much appreciated!

  2. Yeah, Odie, that was a fun read!!

    (I told her this too, kind of makes me glad I homeschool even more-hahha!!)

  3. I've followed Shelly for quite awhile and love her.

  4. Why am I not surprised by any of these items? Maybe because I used to work in schools?!! It's amazing what kids will bring to school, isn't it? Now if they'd only bring their attention spans...

  5. Thank you, Odie. It was an interesting post. I am now following Shelly! =)
