Saturday, December 25, 2010

I Escaped

It's 3:45 PM and I just arrived back home by myself with Rocky comfortable in a chair next to me while I update my blog friends.

We made it to Linda's brother's place for her side of the family gathering. Just about everyone was there including ("4 dogs). What time they were not trying to hump each other they were fighting or jumping all over people as they tried to eat in peace. Made me think of our precious Rocky back at home being his usual sweet self and me wishing I was there with him.

The food was great and it was good seeing everyone but I had all the celebration I could stand so Linda agreed to let me escape and she would follow after dessert and knowing her it may be dark before she gets home unless Beth her daughter motivates her quicker.

Linda bought Rocky what is actually a large brown fabric bag with light colored interior fluffy lining that is I guess supposed to be a bed. I put Rocky in it and placed him on the kitchen chair beside me as I type. He is asleep now and I cannot even see him. Now that is peace folks.

One reason that prompted me to escape was that it started snowing very hard at one time and we were about 25 miles from home and I did not want to get stranded at Junior's house. Now that I am home it can snow all it wants to since I don't have to be back at work until tuesday.

I hope everyone in my growing blog family had a wonderful day today and of course some of my new friends are probably already asleep since they are in Australia or New Zealand or France or England. My friends cover a lot of real estate. Some are experiencing heat waves, some blizzards. Whatever your circumstance I hope this was a very merry Christmas for you and your family. I love the Lord and all this day represents but I am glad this holiday season is behind me so we can get on with life in general and somehow along the way be His representative as we encounter others and not wait until the next December 25th to do it all over again.


  1. You're glad and I'm glad it's over. One more holiday and then a little break.

  2. Oh Odie--you make me laugh (and that's a good thing). The whole first part of your post reminded me so much of me. heh. Glad you are back home safe and sound and surrounded by Christmas peace! Blessings, Debra

  3. Glad you made it home ahead of the blizzard, Odie. Our windows were open because it was a lovely warm day with temps in the 70's. We had a very enjoyable family gathering and dinner. Like you I am also grateful for my growing blog family around the globe and I hope that they all had a safe and happy Christmas.

  4. I sometimes think that as much as I enjoy the entertaining, the best bit of the day is often after, when I can just sit back and enjoy the quiet after. Glad you got home safely.

  5. Glad that you had a good holiday and that you made it home safely....enjoy your time off!!

  6. Glad you managed to find some peace Odie!! When you're not used to all that noise and activity, it can be quite hard sometimes. I have escaped up to my bedroom at the moment to catch up with my blogging friends!

  7. Our family had a great day, but I had to go to bed at 8:00 pm! Totally pooped. I'm glad you didn't get stranded. We had our snowstorms before Christmas and right now it is raining. God bless.

  8. I know how you were you, I couldn't wait to get home and relax on the couch with my cats!

  9. You know, I have never seen snow....Maybe it has never snowed in Sydney. I don't think it has during my lifetime. :)
