Thursday, June 30, 2011

Update on Odie, Linda & family

OK folks we are winding this week down and only one more day separating Linda and I from our holiday weekend in Siler City, NC. Yep, heading back to the Celebrity Dairy for some relaxation and loving on some young goats. I won't be needing that coat this time around

As you may remember from a previous post Linda's Aunt Frances lives near the dairy in an independent living facility so we will be picking her up to spend some time with us at the dairy to give her a change of scenery.

Feel like I need to catch you up on some of the stuff that has been going on in my neck of the woods for the last week. My Aunt Katie spent a few days in the hospital due to a severe reduction in her level of platelets in her blood. It was finally determined that she has an infection in her stomach that was causing the problem and meds have been started that should correct this situation.

During her stay in the hospital my Uncle Lester was looking after Polly her dog and putting her to bed in the house each night. When Aunt Katie came home a couple of days ago Uncle Lester visited her and indicated he would not be back after heading back to his home which is next to Aunt Katie's. Well, Polly was outside and waiting for Uncle Lester to come back and put her to bed so she spent the night sleeping on his porch, unknown to him, until the next morning expecting the routine to play out as usual.

Yesterday Uncle Lester went fishing which is his only real pleasure in life as he approaches his mid 90's. While fishing he accidently caught a hook through his finger. Not having anything to cut the hook with he backed it out of his finger, barb and all. He got home and cleaned it out with peroxide so hopefully there will not be any infection.

Linda had a memorable week as she reached her goals at the rehab facility and graduated out to continue a series of exercises at home until she is allowed to return to work. Seems like forever since May 31st when she had her surgery.

8:30 and close to my bedtime folks so I don't know how much activity I will have in the next few days as we take it easy at Celebrity Dairy but I will try to keep up to date on reading & commenting on blogs.


  1. WoW! Odie you have had a week like mine!!! So glad you wife is doing well!!!! I have missed you!!

  2. Seems like quite a few mix-ups and misadventures around the family, Odie. I'm glad everybody's okay and things are settling back to normal. My prayers are always with Katie and Polly and you and Linda and Rocky. I will gladly add Lester. Have fun petting those goats, good buddy!

  3. Good to hear about Linda. It is a hard wait for your loved ones to get better. I hope your aunt Katie will be all well soon and Fester's poor finger will heal.

  4. Goodness, I'm happy Linda is doing so well, but seems like y'all will be more than ready for the holiday retreat!
    Prayers will be said for you and yours and for a delightful vacation!

  5. hey there, Odie:)

    hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend.

  6. oh, i forgot! shoot a blank e-mail to slowmutt at yahoo dot com so i can get you to the new site.

  7. Hi Odie. Will be saying prayers for Aunt Katie, and hope Fester's finger will soon heal. Quite an eventful week for your family my friend! So glad that Linda is making good progress, although I'm sure, for her, it's not fast enough!! Do hope you have a lovely break in that wonderful relaxing place. Don't forget to take some more photos for you. Safe travels my friend.

  8. Have a lovely weekend and cuddle a baby goat for me please.
    You deserve a nice getaway

  9. Odie, I do enjoy your blog. It has a relaxing effect on me. Loved the photo of your aunts and uncle, what a treasure you have steeped in oral family history.

  10. Good to hear Linda is on the mend! The fishing hook part made me wince just to read it. Have a wonderful July 4 weekend!

  11. Odie, you and Linda have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your visits. Hope all is well with the elders. That's one brave man to pull a barbed hook out backwards. OUCH!

  12. Hello Odie, nice blog.

  13. Glad to hear that all is mostly well in your world....have an amazing weekend..

  14. Thank you for joining my giveaway contest, but I must ask you to come back and answer the required question. It's just a formality, nothing much.

    Your blog is nice and homey. I really like the images in the header.

    Also, have a good time on your holiday!

  15. Time relaxing is well deserved my friend.So happy about Linda. Hoping your aunt will be well soon . Unfortunately I can related to that fish hook story all to well. To gory to go into detail, but the hospital had to remove it from me.Poor Polly, that's so sad she misses his bedtime routine.
    Big hugs my friend if you do have a moment to check in I'm having a wonderful 4th of July giveaway ( yes in addition to the other giveaway) Two! Hugs for you both, K
