Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Australia Day to all my Aussie friends


  1. Wow!that was a beautiful song. I love it.

  2. Great song. I didn't know it was Australia Day, Odie. It's great to learn these things! I know a couple of people from there.

  3. Hi Odie. I knew it was Australia Day through one of my bloggy friends who lives there, but this song that you have posted is beautiful.

  4. Thank you for posting this and for acknowledging our national day. It really is a beautiful song

  5. lovely!! My best frind is in Australia now visiting her sister.
    Do you know when you click on your profile or name your blog does not come up?..I was looking everywhere for you! It is easy to fix...I dont remember how I did it but if I did it it is not difficult.
