Friday, November 26, 2010

Simple Pleasures Revisited

Well turkey day is over and so is black friday. Hopefully the weekend will be calm and uneventful. I was thinking today about how so much emphasis is placed on acquiring things and too much on electronics in general. My mind drifted back to a time when I wrote a blog about the "simple pleasures" that mean a lot to me.

I thought it would be good to revisit that time so to find out what Odie thinks are simple pleasures go here. Oh, & thanks Debra for teaching me how to do the link magic. Hope you enjoy that post as it really said what is important to me.


  1. Odie...That was wonderful. What great memories. My late husband grew up on a farm in the mountains in NY so he would fish the little brook or streams that ran through their property. After we got married he taught me how to trout fish in the streams, hip boots and all. It is truly calming isn't it? Thanks for sharing that.

  2. When you said the word "bubble gum" I almost tasted it. I think the one I loved was called, Double Bubble. Pink, soft and chewy. Simple things are the best.

  3. Yes Belle my dad had Double Bubble as well and I have chewed a bunch of that brand too.

  4. Good memories of simple things! I always find it interesting the things that we remember - they rarely are those extravagant vacations or expensive toys!
