It's been a long day folks. After getting to the hospital at 9 AM they didn't take her down to the OR until 1 PM. She came back into the room high as a kite from the anesthesia saying that she didn't feel or know anything about what happened, which is exactly what she wanted to happen. A couple of hours later the story changed when the feeling came back into the leg and asked what level of pain she had on a scale of 1 to 10 she said 12. Later they gave her some morphine which naturally took the edge off the pain.
She wanted me to be there when they got her up for the first time but that didn't happen either. At 6:30 I had to leave and get s0mething to eat and take care of Rocky as well as get to bed pretty much on time so I can make it to work tomorrow. She is trying to be a trooper but I am afraid that when she has to get off the bed for the first time the pain will talk to her and take some of the wind out of her sails so to speak. I never thought it would be a breeze but I know it will be so beneficial after the healing happens. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers.